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I was reading an article about the connection between humor and philosophy sent to me by my coordinator, Benjamin Goes, teacher, and I was really bored. I could barely get my eyes to move onto the next line. Maybe it was the outdated jokes, maybe it was the boring scientific prose. Or maybe, it’s because trying to figure out what makes people funny is dumb. Jokes are so beautiful, so almost inexplicable, why try to figure them out. Why try to make them scientific. That ruins the fun of it. I was thinking about in the shower today, imagine if you could say a sentence or two and make a group of people cry together. That’s like what jokes are. So when people try to make them into science, or math, or philosophy, it ruins the point. And if something isn’t funny, why would I want to read it. Also, saying anything is similar to comedy is dumb, because anything can be funny. Ornthology is like comedy. Cubism is like comedy. Of course they are, you can make jokes about either of them! In the defense of these articles, I suppose that they have made me question my topic, and wonder why I am doing this. I think the difference is that they were doing it for their readers, but I’m not. I personally want to know how to be funnier, and that’s the difference.

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