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The Original Re-stated Goal

I’m not going to interview people about what they think about jokes, or how they feel about Louis. I don’t really care, and the point of this class is caring. What I want to do from now on is what I wanted to do from the beginning: watch standup and deconstruct jokes. But I’ve now realized that my final goal is a series of formulas, within the boundaries of which every great joke is contained. I will split comedians in to two different groups, one-liners and story-tellers, based on a spectrum from Mitch Hedberg to Mike Birbiglia. There will be different sets of formulas for the long form and short form jokes, and there will be specific formulas for the different types of jokes. For instance, Louis CK’s slanted analogies will have their own formulas, just as Jim Gaffigan’s critization/admittance jokes will have theirs. Every time I figure out a new formula, I will define its properties with variables and then write in out on a poster.

For example,


Where S=slanted analogy, A=anecdote, T=truth, M=metaphor, * and / are descriptors, and ()() means at the same time.

Hopefully this better definition of my project and goals will further motivate me and add analyzation and struction to my project.

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