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“Ok, so I’m looking at the couple, and they’re walking on the other side of the street, and they have a child with them, but I can’t see their child because there’s like a dumpster and some other stuff. I just see like a little head. And I’m waiting, I’m curious what their kid looks like, because they’re so beautiful, maybe I wanna fuck their kid.” Now, to anyone who has ever watched Daniel Tosh, this technique is obvious, and even if you haven’t it’s pretty clear when Louis says it two seconds later. He’s just being really, really gross. That’s it. It’s that easy. Sure, it helps that this joke had a fairly long buildup without laughs, full of periods, which allows the “fuck their kid” to completely blindside the audience. The point is, this joke works really well. The audience laughs hard. Louis doesn’t stop there though. He uses this boring (by Louis standards), blindside method to get the audience a second time. He follows the “fuck their kid” by explaining that he’s just saying something really gross to see their reaction, because it makes him laugh that it upsets them so much. He continues with this for a couple drawn-out sentences, and lulls them into a falls sense of security. “I’m not gonna fuck a kid, I wouldn’t do that” he says, in a “come on guys,” tone. And then BLINDSIDE, “maybe a dead kid.”

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